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Tips For Organizing Photos and Videos

Tips For Organizing Photos and Videos
Photographs are taken constantly in today’s ultra-modern world—cameras are built into phones that can be carried around with ease! Having a really good-looking lunch? Picture! See a cute dog? Picture! The scenery looks extra beautiful? Picture! Out with a friend whom you don’t see often enough? Picture! Kids are being sweet to each other? Picture! Attending a big life event? Picture!

There is no longer a requirement for a special occasion to occur for a photograph to be taken and there is essentially no longer a limit on photographs (or videos) we can take. Not bad for a single generation since rolled film restricted us to a few dozen pictures at a given time.

Taking photos and videos all the time, and having just recently been married, our White Knights had to have a great system to keep everything organized on the computer.

So, it looks something like this:

Wedding Photos
Getting Ready
Personal Photography
This style of organization works for our White Knights, but it might not work for everyone. Using this photograph example, some people choose to organize by a person or by an event. There is no “right” way to organize, but you do need to find something that makes sense for you! You should be able to find that picture of your significant other making a funny face and wearing a dinosaur costume (a little specific?) right away when you want to show it to someone.

If you find that your files have no sense of organization and spend more time looking FOR your photos than looking AT your photos, it might be time to call the experts. White Knight Organizing can help you get all your files organized.
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