Business & Office Organization
Small business owners, home-based businesses, entrepreneurs—everyone deserves a clutter-free and functional workspace. When a workspace is organized, materials can be easily found, and distractions are nowhere in sight.
Benefits of an Organized Desk and Workspace

Your workspace can affect your overall performance (or the performance of an employee), and a drop in productivity can have negative effects elsewhere in your company. When you have an organized place of work, you and your employees can reap several benefits—at work and after hours.
Did you know?
4.3 hours per week on average are wasted just looking for paper.
Employees with a clean work area can work 7.5 minutes longer without becoming distracted.
A clean desk increases productivity and persistence by 84%.
Psychological benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety occurs with a clean office space.
Well-organized employees are more likely to make healthier food choices.
Minimal clutter promotes mental stability and better sleep.
An organized desk can improve focus and increase creativity.
Request Consultation
Call (813) 344-3760 or fill out the form below to request a complimentary consultation on your decluttering and organizing project. A White Knight Organizaer will contact you to schedule your consultation.

When you have a happier, relaxed workforce who are better able to focus and think more constructively, you will have more effective employees.
Whether you need paper or digital files sorted and a new system in place to stay on top of your filing, office supplies categorized and stored neatly with easy access, or a complete office space makeover for better overall organization, White Knight Organizing can come to your rescue!
Request Consultation